Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do Now: 11-12-08

Difference(Newsletter):The difference between this project and the other one. was that this one was much smaller and not much researching and planning what you had to do it wasn't a lot it also wasn't hard for me to do and finish and this one was faster.

Difference(PowerPoint):The difference between this project and the newsletter. was that this one was much harder you had to take more time to finish it it also there was also a lot of researching to do for instants calling people  for the charter buses,cost of everything in total,the amount of money we will use,the places we can go that we can afford this one was more complicated for me I don't know why.

Similarities(Both):They were both somewhat complicated not that much. they were both having to do with something we were learning or what were gonna do in the future

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