Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Do Now 11-19-08

For the basic tasks the steps are very easy to follow. the data  will be transferred to the computer and it will be processed to the computer.and the last part all you do is print it out which comes out of he printer

Monday, November 17, 2008

Do Now 11-18-08

Yesterday at my Tia's house I got on the computer and couldn't find the CPU so i can put the input devices and take out the output devices and couldn't see the motherboard for some reason. I told my Tia and she saw my nieces with it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do Now: 11-12-08

Difference(Newsletter):The difference between this project and the other one. was that this one was much smaller and not much researching and planning what you had to do it wasn't a lot it also wasn't hard for me to do and finish and this one was faster.

Difference(PowerPoint):The difference between this project and the newsletter. was that this one was much harder you had to take more time to finish it it also there was also a lot of researching to do for instants calling people  for the charter buses,cost of everything in total,the amount of money we will use,the places we can go that we can afford this one was more complicated for me I don't know why.

Similarities(Both):They were both somewhat complicated not that much. they were both having to do with something we were learning or what were gonna do in the future

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do Now: 11-11-08

The video made me feel sad knowing that millions are gone just to make are lives better.People that have been lost and saluting are country for the longest time. Yes its showing people that someone is out there making are world a better place to live in. By getting people to make it a better choice to pick. 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Do Now: 11-4-08

The reason why we need to include the costs is because in order for us to show are peers where we will be going the cost and if we have enough money for all 7Th grade .No because I don't have everything I need that I should have had.and I should not be chosen for that reason

Monday, November 3, 2008

Do Now: 11-3-08

How much do you estimate the charter bus will cost? $400. How much do you estimate your hotel will cost? $300. How much do you estimate the restaurants will cost?$200.